Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Vlog/Blog Subscribers, friends and collabs

You go on youtube to make video for whatever reason you truly wanted too but after a good number of videos you've hardly been seen. It hurts, it bothers and you try to find out why which is simple: you need to promote yourself. So you go on in search for ways to promote, you talk to people, you ask them to support and a few answer and talk back.

But that can be the problem. Some people will talk back and ask to do collabs with you, which is a great way to promote yourself. You try to communicate with them but suddenly they stop talking to you. Thinking maybe they are busy you wait till they come out with another video, watch it and leave a respectable comment and a question to their disappearance.

They didn't disappear they just don't check those messages and ask you to follow them on another social networking site. So you do! You ask them on there where they can't escape. But now! They have too many collabs to do for a few months and tell you their best advice: Be nice to people and comment.

Don't you hate that? I had that happen to me and I am nice to people, I leave comments and watch videos. Probably nicer than that person. Every comment I receive I either reply or thumbs up them - always - and every message I get I reply. Every request I've gotten, I've done. Ironically, this chick still has more subscribers than me and all I do is promote.

Here is my rant about what happened to me and I hope you enjoy the rant I just wrote weeks after!

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